HP Laptop rental for business continuity.              UK:+44 20 332 71270 /  NL:+31 20 820 8726

HP Laptop rental for business continuity

Interested in HP laptop rental?

Business Continuity by Flex IT in response to Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Businesses are currently confronted with increasing uncertainly with regards to the spread of Covid-19 (Corona) virus.  Many companies are considering is having people work from home or a different location then the regular workspace. This can create an urgent need for additional laptops or other IT hardware so employees can work from home without losing productivity. Flex IT can help deliver any number of laptops directly from stock including imaging anywhere within Europe within 48 hours.
Interested in IT rental? Fill in the form or call us at:
UK: +44 20 332 71270 / NL: +31 20 820 8726 / BE: +32 15 48 0371
HP 650 laptop rental
HP 470 laptop rental
HP 450 laptop rental
  • Don't lose productivity

    Recent developments forced companies to deal with a sudden rise in employees working from home. Not all companies can equip their personnel on with the necessary hardware on short-term notice. Purchasing laptops for your staff can be a costly endeavor. Is your staff forced to work from home and are you currently ill-equipped to provide them with laptops? Laptop rental at Flex IT Rent is the solution to bridge the gap, keep productivity at a maximum and costs at a minimum.

  • About Flex IT Rent

    With more than 25 years of experience in the IT industry and close relationships with large brands such as HP, Flex IT Rent is the IT rental partner for you. No matter how many laptops you need, Flex IT Rent can be of assistance. Besides having the latest models, Flex IT Rent also has previous models available in large quantities. During all these years, deliveries have been made all across the globe. So no matter your location, Flex IT can deliver.

Who chose Flex IT Rent?

Thousands of customers have opted for the flexible service offered by Flex IT Rent. Our customers can be found all across Europe.

Interested in HP laptop rental?

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